$Repeat = ” “;
$count = 0;
// while ($Repeat){
// $Draw = GetSingleDraw(“”);
// RJL 3/23/13
// should be a function
// Determine how many rows of history we have
$sql = “SELECT COUNT(*) R FROM LottoHistory”;
$rowsCount = @mysql_query($sql);
// Handle the errors
if (!$rowsCount) {
$message = ‘Invalid query: ‘ . mysql_error() . “\n”;
$message .= ‘Whole query: ‘ . $sql;
$rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($rowsCount);
// Calculate the frequency variable using the Rows Count
// Because there are 6 entries for each Date, we divide by 5
// Then take age % of those
// Then round it to a whole number
if ($_REQUEST[“age”])
$a = $_REQUEST[“age”];
$a = 100;
$age = $rows[“R”];
$age = $age * ($a * .01);
$age = round($age);
// echo “
rows =>” . $rows[“R”] . “<=
// echo “
age =>” . $age . “<=
if (isset($_REQUEST[“sample”]))
$sample = $_REQUEST[“sample”];
$sample = 20;
// Get the Kicker
$sql = “SELECT * FROM “;
$sql = $sql . “(SELECT * FROM “;
$sql = $sql . “(SELECT Draw, COUNT(Draw) AS Draws, (YEAR(MIN(Date)) & ‘-‘ & MONTH(MIN(Date)) & ‘-‘ & DAY(MIN(Date))) AS Last_Draw FROM “;
$sql = $sql . “(select an.draw, lh.date as Date, an.kicker from AvailableNumbers an “;
$sql = $sql . “left join LottoHistory lh on an.draw = lh.draw and lh.kicker = 1 “;
$sql = $sql . “where an.kicker=1) as f “;
$sql = $sql . “GROUP BY Draw) AS d “;
$sql = $sql . “ORDER BY d.Draw, d.Last_Draw DESC LIMIT ” . $age . “) AS e “;
$sql = $sql . “ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ” . $sample;
// echo $sql;
// Save the result for later
$kicker = @mysql_query($sql);
// Handle the errors
if (!$kicker) {
$message = ‘Invalid query: ‘ . mysql_error() . “\n”;
$message .= ‘Whole query: ‘ . $sql;
$kick = mysql_fetch_assoc($kicker);
// Get the Draws
$sql = “SELECT Draw, Draws, Last_Draw “;
$sql = $sql . “FROM (SELECT Draw, Draws, Last_Draw “;
$sql = $sql . “FROM (SELECT Draw, COUNT(Draw) AS Draws, YEAR(MIN(Date)) & ‘-‘ & MONTH(MIN(Date)) & ‘-‘ & DAY(MIN(Date)) AS Last_Draw “;
$sql = $sql . “FROM (SELECT an.Draw, COUNT(lh.Draw) AS Draws, lh.Date, lh.Kicker “;
$sql = $sql . “FROM AvailableNumbers AS an LEFT OUTER JOIN “;
$sql = $sql . ” LottoHistory AS lh ON an.Draw = lh.Draw “;
$sql = $sql . “GROUP BY an.Draw, lh.Date, lh.Kicker) AS c “;
$sql = $sql . “WHERE (Kicker = 0) OR “;
$sql = $sql . “(Kicker IS NULL) “;
$sql = $sql . “GROUP BY Draw) AS d “;
$sql = $sql . “ORDER BY Draws, Last_Draw DESC LIMIT ” . $age . “) AS e “;
$sql = $sql . “ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT ” . $sample;
// echo $sql;
// Save the Result
$result = @mysql_query($sql);
// Handle Errors
if (!$result) {
$message = ‘Invalid query: ‘ . mysql_error() . “\n”;
$message .= ‘Whole query: ‘ . $sql;
// Process the results
for ($p=0; $p<5; $p++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$Pick = $Pick . $row['Draw'] . "-";
$Draw = $Pick . $kick['Draw'];
// End should be function
// $Draw = "9-19-34-44-51-24";
// RJL - Commented all this out
// $Repeat = IsDuplicatePick($Draw);
//// var_dump($Repeat);
// $count = $count + 1 ;
// if ($count > 5) {
// break;
// }
// }
// echo “DRAW=”;
// var_dump($Draw);
// echo “
$B = explode(“-“,$Draw);
// echo “B=”;
// var_dump($B);
// echo “
$Ball[0] = $B[0];
$Ball[1] = $B[1];
$Ball[2] = $B[2];
$Ball[3] = $B[3];
$Ball[4] = $B[4];
sort($Ball, SORT_NUMERIC);
// echo “Ball=”;
// var_dump($Ball);
// echo “
for ($y=0; $y<5; $y++) {
echo "
echo $Ball[$y];
echo “ | “;
echo “
echo $B[5];
echo “ | “;
echo “