Wilhelm - LeRoy Family Blog https://www.leroynet.com A history of major family events and travels Thu, 05 Apr 2018 17:36:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Colorado 2015 https://www.leroynet.com/2015/01/24/colorado-2015-3/ Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:55:01 +0000 https://www.leroynet.com/?p=2659 We had a great weekend with Mary and Paul this year. Everyone was able to go … Colorado 2015Read more

The post Colorado 2015 first appeared on LeRoy Family Blog.

We had a great weekend with Mary and Paul this year. Everyone was able to go including Matthew, Nathan and Sydney. We arrived on Friday, Jan 19 and stayed for three fun filled days.

Saturday was skiing and boarding at Vail. It had snowed a couple inches that evening which made for great conditions. We skied the entire mountain; front-side, back-bowls, and big sky basin. It was a great day.

Mary and Paul took us snowshoeing at the Keystone Nordic center on Sunday. That was really cool. We hiked for nearly four miles. Some of the snow was very deep. Everyone had a great time.

Sunday we returned to Keystone to ride the mountain. The good news was the crowds were very small. We loved the Keystone terrain park.

The post Colorado 2015 first appeared on LeRoy Family Blog.

Colorado Video https://www.leroynet.com/2013/02/24/colorado-video/ Mon, 25 Feb 2013 01:16:04 +0000 https://www.leroynet.com/?p=1572

The post Colorado Video first appeared on LeRoy Family Blog.

Mary’s Visit to Cinci https://www.leroynet.com/2010/09/06/marys-visit-to-cinci/ Mon, 06 Sep 2010 17:16:26 +0000 https://www.leroynet.com/?p=677 This weekend Mary, Paul, Lauren and Andrew came to visit us. The weather was absolutely perfect. … Mary’s Visit to CinciRead more

The post Mary’s Visit to Cinci first appeared on LeRoy Family Blog.

This weekend Mary, Paul, Lauren and Andrew came to visit us. The weather was absolutely perfect. They arrived after dinner on Friday.

Saturday morning we walked to the local farmer’s market and starbucks. Later in the day we met up with Paul’s nephew Steve who lives in Cincinnati and works for Western & Southern Insurance. We all took a tour on the Duck Boats. Matthew, Nicole and Jorden joined us for dinner at Nada‘s downtown.
DuckTour 2010 - small

On Sunday, the adults took a nice long walk while the kids slept. Steve drove up and the adults went to our community pool. Nathan and Andrew went to Kings Island while Lauren stayed home for some R&R.

On Sunday night we drove downtown to see the Labor Day fireworks from Steve’s 19th floor apartment right on the river. It was a spectacular view. This picture is a small sampling of the 400,000 people on each side of the Ohio River (800k total).

Fireworks 2010

The post Mary’s Visit to Cinci first appeared on LeRoy Family Blog.
