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Florida 2025

Lynn and I stayed at Mom’s condo for the Month of Februrary. Between spending time with Mom, visiting with friends, and working, it was a very busy month. And, Lynn and I kept up with our Orange Theory Fitness program.

February 3rd – Golf with Russ Schwartz and John McLaughlin at Old Corkscrew and then dinner at Bevy’s in Naples. We had dinner with Carin and Brian at Oak and Stone.
Feb 8th/9th – Venice beach with the Daventry friends. Lynn went shopping with the girls. Bob played Sarasota National golf course.
Feb 9th – Vanderbuilt Beach with our Swaim Field friends. The Allison’s came to visit and we watched the Super Bowl at the McLaughlin’s condo. Lots of work that week and dinners. Friday we played golf at Peplican Marsh; a beautiul golf course.
Feb 16th – Carin invited us to play her executive golf course at the Villages of Country Creek and then dinner again at O&S. That was a great day. On Tuesday, we had dinner at Meghan’s house. And Lynn’s Mom arrived on Thursday. Friday was golf at Arrowhead.
Feb 23th – We had brunch at the main Grandezza Club dining room. That was special because Mom, Sheila Hague and Gladys Larson all were there. Tuesday Gladys goes home and Wednesday we all leave.

Lynn and I spent a LOT of time with Mom.

  • Dinner the day after we arrived at Bone Fish.
  • Visits about every other day. The drive is 20 minutes each way.
  • I played Bingo with her on Monday’s at 6:00pm
  • She lost a hearing-aid so we scheduled an appointment and I took her to get tested for new aids.
  • Brunch at Grandezza

Doug, Bill, John at Pelican Marsh

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