Neighborhood Christmas Party at the LeRoy’s

Each year, the neighbors that don’t travel get together on Christmas day for dinner. We’ve done this at least four or five years now. This year’s families were:
* The LeRoy’s (Bob, Lynn, Matthew, Nicole, Nathan and Sage)
* The Allison’s (David, Lisa, Schafer, Reese and Scott)
* The Green’s (Scott, Kelli, Kelsey, Matthew and Andrew)
* The Reddy’s (Shelly, Marty and Kay)

Here are some pictures and a video.

Shelly, David, Kelli, Lisa, Matthew, Lynn, Nicole
Shelly, David, Kelli, Lisa, Matthew, Lynn, Nicole

Matthew, Kelsey, Nathan, Reese
Matthew, Kelsey, Nathan, Reese

And a great YouTube video of Kelli playing Guitar Hero with the kids: