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Guys Ski Trip 2024

Another great ski trip with Paul. We are very fotunate to be able to take these trips. It was great seeing everyone (Paul, Eric, Andrew, Evan, Kerry, Steve, Matthew, Jorden and Bob).

This year Jorden joined us. Because Matthew was in Montana, Jorden flew with me. We got upgraded to first class on the flight to Denver. They had a full meal ready for us. Since we already ate in the airport I passed; but, Jorden had a second breakfast.

We picked up Matthew in Denver and drove up the mountain and headed directly for Keystone where we skied half the day. The snow was good and it got us a nice warm-up for the rest of the week. The next day we skied Vail, which is always epic, and then Beavercreek the last day.

The weather was beautiful with cool temps and clear blue skies. Unfortunately, the day we left, they got a foot of snow. Maybe next year.

The worst part of the trip was Matthew fell on “Ripsaw” and dislocated his shoulder. The ski patrol was there quickly and gave him a complimentary sled ride down the mountain. The doctors at the onsite urgent care had him fixed up in less than 90 minutes.

Here’s a video of the trip: