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Torn Meniscus

In October of 2017, I tore the Meniscus in my right knee.  Because I was training for the Turkey Day Race, I thought it was just a bad case of over working it.  I stayed off it and focused on light running.  

After running the whole six miles race, I went to an orthopedic doctor.  He knew right away what the problem was.  I scheduled the arthroscopic surgery for March; after ski season.  

It took three months of staying off the knee to fully heal.  In June, I was back to running and it felt good.  Then, my left knee gave out.  Again, it took me months to go visit the doctor.  

On September 26, six months after the first knee, I had surgery again.  On Christmas day, I should be back to full speed.  Just in time for ski season again.  I hope that is the end of this for a while.