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Normandy France

Today was definitely the highlight of the trip. 

We got up early, packed-up the car, and went to meet our guide, Roel Klinkhamer (he pronounces his name Rule).  Barb and Gene Curry recommended him. He’s about 73 and is an expert on the area.  

Roel and his wife moved to Bayeaux from the Netherlands 30 years ago.  She ran a B&B and he did guided tours.  They’ve now retired and closed the B&B.  Due to health issues, he’s only doing 5 or 6 guided tours a month.  We were lucky to have him.

We got visit the famous Allied Invasion beaches.  We spent most of our time focused on Omaha Beach.  It was an incredibly educational and moving day for both Lynn and me.    What those boys went through must have seemed like hell.  

At Point du Huc, we were visiting the big Germany pill-boxes and listening to Roel tell more amazing stories.  Suddenly, a lady came running up and gave Lynn a big hug.  It was Lindsey and her husband Nick who live on Cooperwood Lane.  They were their with Nick’s parents.  I can’t take Lynn anywhere that she doesn’t know someone.

The American Cemetery is awe inspiring.  We only had a short time there but could have stayed for hours.  Technically, it’s american territory so we were home for the day.  

It was a half-day tour and left Roel about 1:30.  Lynn and I had a nice lunch in the city and then left for the last leg of our trip, Paris.