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Rennes France

We really liked Bordeaux and were looking forward to Rennes.  The train ride took very long because it actually went almost all the way to Paris.  The whole trip took four hours.

We arrived in Rennes about 11:00 at night.  It was a little strange to be walking through a very dark, foreign city.  It was only a five hundred yard walk and it felt like three miles pulling the luggage.  The next morning Bob left for work  and Lynn took a tour of the old city.

We rented a car for the drive to Normandy.  That was really nice.  The France countryside is very beautiful.  They really do a  great job of maintaining the green space.  There were few major highway exits and almost no rest areas.  Just lots of green, rolling hills.

We arrive in a small city called Bayeaux (pronounced By-You).  The hotel is nice but a bit old (like everything here).  We toured around the city a bit, had a nice dinner are looking forward to tomorrow.