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Day – 4, Isle of Capri

Another wonderful day.  The weather here is spectacular; sunny and 75.

Today was Capri day.  We took a public ferry to the island. When we arrived it was a complete mad-house; way too many tourists.  Lynn talked to some locals and discovered that the top of Capri is where the cool people hang out.  We found an taxi (very interesting cars) to drive us up. We toured and shopped there for a while.  It was very hip.

The roads here are very small and winding.  When two buses meet, all the traffic has to stop to figure out how they pass each other.  But the scooters zoom through like its a road race.  Check out the video below to see what we mean.

We also took a tour boat around the island. There are several Gratto’s including the Arancia (orange) named for it’s coral, the Blanco (white) for the ceiling, and Verde (green) for it’s sea floor.  The Grotto Azzura (Blue Grotto) is the most famous because of how the light reflects back into the cave.  Jackie had this high on her list for our trip but it was closed today.  Big bummer.  The tour guide said the blue grotto is only open 150 days a year.  This is because the waves are too high to navigate into the tiny cave.  Still the day was awesome.

Our boat tour driver took us to some very amazing places. The houses on the cliffs are spectacular. The boat had two levels and we were the only people up top, so we got to do the cool stuff like drive the boat.

Later we had dinner at the roof top hotel. We had a big lunch and we agreed to a “lite snack”. It quickly escalated to be a full blown Italian dinner.


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