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Jump Day at PerfectNorth

Nathan and I went snowboarding on Saturday. Afterward, I made this video:

Matthew and Nathan started laughing about my arms during the jumps (which were terrifying!) and this video came out of it.

I hope you laugh as much as we did.


This was absolutely terrifying for a guy over 50.

Nathan said “Dad, the faster you go, the smoother it gets.” That wasn’t very comforting. My heart was pounding out of my chest after the first jump.

The “BIG” jump was crazy. I did the “medium-sized” jump. The ramp was nearly five feet tall. The landing zone was about 20 feet downhill. He was right; going faster was better. But it felt like I was in the air forever! After about six times, it got much easier but my arms wouldn’t stop circling. 🙂

Hey, it keeps me young, right?