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Napa Day 3

Has it really been four days already? Sheesh time flies when you’re having fun.

Today was amazing again. Our tour of the Clif Family Winery started at their tasting store. With good karma, the owners of the winery showed up. Kit and Gary are just starting a 35 day road show to sell a new line of Kits Organic Bars. We got the first free sample direct from the owners.

After that we went up to visit the family farm. A great old carriage house with an incredible view. They had turkeys, horse, chickens, goats, bees, fruit tree, vegetable garden. We took home a whole salad. Plus a dozen farm fresh eggs.

After all that, we came back to the guest house for home made, wood-fired pizzas and wine. While Lynn sat in the sun by the pool. Time for dinner now.